Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Conferences and Changes

The last two weeks we've been pretty much running from conference to conference. Last weekend we had a fantastic "What is Worship" conference with Dan Wilt

I had the priviledge of leading some of the worship, along with Dan, and one of our guys, Ryan MacKenzie. Dan spoke at the Almond Vineyard on the Sunday and did a great job. The following week was another time of leading worship, although just acoustically in a room full of church planters (including ourselves) at a church planting school with Steve Nicholson

That weekend Steve also did a "Toolkit for Life" conference at Southend Vineyard (our old church), and I got to sit back a bit and play bass in the band along with Wendy O'Connell and Matt Chalk.

Sunday morning we were at Rayleigh Vineyard
I lead worship there with my good friend Dave Gellette.

So we're pretty tired, but the fun never stops. The travelling and flying around probably took the most out of us, but everything went pretty smoothly. Even little Joe seemed to enjoy his first flight on a plane, sleeping through most of it.

The next few months will be concentrated on launching the Forth Valley Vineyard Satelitte and we already seem to be getting a little bit of a kicking spiritually. So please pray that we get some time in the chaos to rest up and regroup before we kick into battle again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Graeme! Good to have you guys back. Glad to hear you enjoyed the week and little man enjoyed the flight... See you soon.

2:39 pm


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