TGI Friday
No, not the famous restaurant. I'm just glad it's Friday. I try and keep this day clear as much as possible so that I have a day off in the week. It's amazing how much time church stuff takes up, so Sundays are pretty much a working day for me. Friday is kinda like my sabbath, I do a bit of work, but I usually don't need to see anybody, and I usually go for a drive into Edinburgh to do my banking and buy myself a Starbucks. Then in the evening I actually get to see my wife for more than an hour. We've both been running ragged recently so these times we've got together are precious. I can't complain about my job as I get paid to play the guitar and teach people who are just starting out on the musical journey. Then my other "job", or vocation really, I get to lead people into worshipping the living God in a current, authentic and accessible way. The pay isn't great (or exists) but the job satisfaction is way beyond anything else.
If I would change one thing it would be that my wife and I worked at the same time so we could see more of each other. My prayer at the moment is that I could earn enough so she could be at home part time and I could do the bulk of support for the family. And a final cheery thought.......3 months until I'm 33. I'll be closer to 40 than to 25, scary.
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