Friday, February 03, 2006

Tidal Waves and Whirlpools

It's funny. Last weekend I was in the depths of despair, for no apparent reason, no energy, no hope, grumpy as hell and passionless. This week I've been exactly the opposite. Full of beans, full of faith, productive, tidal waves of joy hitting me....I even grinned for about 3minutes at one point ;) Weird huh?

I keep getting reminders that we are in a spiritual war. After recieving last weeks kicking, this week I feel stronger I've had divine appointments, my prayers have been answered and I feel like I've taken a few more baby steps along the road. Though, I really need to get deeper in the Word,that's been the biggie that I've learned and it's a habit I want to form quickly.

So let's see what today brings.......