Sunday, March 26, 2006

Back to Basics

I lead worship at Almond Vineyard this morning. After having a sore throat all week and losing an hours sleep because of the clock going forward I wasn't expecting great things. Also with all that's been going on I hadn't lead on a Sunday morning for a month or so, I was feeling very rusty. Add to that it was a baby dedication with lots of vistors (some elderly), I was a wee bit tense. This morning I decided to go back to basics. My Rickenbacker was plugged into my Vox amp, turned up so that there was just the right amount of pedals, just riding the volume to get clean or dirty tones. I shut my eyes, and just sang the songs, pouring my heart out to the Father. All my petty hang ups and problems disappeared and I felt again the honour and priveledge of serving God and the church that comes with this job of being a lead worshipper.


Blogger kp said...

nice! (on all accounts)

2:36 am


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