Thursday, September 15, 2005

D'ya think He's trying to tell me something?

I don't know if it was just a bad choice in late night snacks or if the Lord is continuing His, "Extreme Makeover - Graeme Edition" . I like to think it's the later. I had a couple of pretty vivid dreams last night and there has been a strange vibe around all day.

Here's what happened last night. I was reading, 'Quest for the radical middle", a history of the Vineyard, just before I went to sleep. Now I often dream about what i just read, that's nothinng unusual. What was weird was that I entered that half asleep, half awake stage where you're drifting in and out of sleep. The first dream I had was of Ken Gulliksen standing inside a large wooden cabin. Whilst inside the cabin he started to build another dwelling, but this one was made of brick, and pretty solid, the next thing that I remember dreaming was the ground underneath all this. If you imagine one of those geological cutaway graphics you get in science textbooks showing all the rock layers, that's kinda what I saw. Anyway, running through the ground not too deep under the dwelling ran a huge untapped seam of liquid gold, kinda like an underground river.......

Then I woke up properly. I couldn't get back to sleep because of an irritating pain that had been bothering me all evening. Eventually i fell asleep again an hour or so later but didn't dream anything else. Maybe this dream was my brain's way of processing what I have been reading and praying about. Maybe it was a picture of heritage and things to come from the Lord. just thought I'd share it anyhow.


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