Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Psalm 139 - I'm still in awe

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
Your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake,
I am still with you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Looking Good

We just had our 20 week scan on the baby and everything is looking pretty good. Deb's blood tests came back as low risk of downs or spin bifida and the sonographer said today that everything looked fine after about 20 minutes of measuring etc. It was amazing seeing the strong spine, some ribs, the kidneys and the chambers of the heart pulsing. It just really struck me that God's best work is often done in the secrect place, hidden from view. When we looked today, He's certainly been busy.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Latest News

Work is slowly starting to pick up. Although the downside is that I realised the other day that I've almost stopped playing for pleasure completely, instead playing as work. I've been playing a lot in preparation for lessons or in church but rarely spending more than 10 minutes being creative or doing stuff just for the sake of it. I plan to remedy that today!!

I'm trying to write a two year plan in order to prepare for possible church planting in the near future....not easy as I'm not a natural planner, I'm a dreamer. We're looking at moving house soon, either towards Linlithgow or Falkirk (maybe even Stirling) so lot's of prayer required on that one as we have a small window to do it in.

We've got our 20 week scan next week to check up on how God's doing knitting our baby together. I'm always a little nervous until I get there. This will be our 3rd scan...we get extra for medical reasons. I'm trying to prepare myself for how radically our life will change in about 4 months time....yikes!!!

Looking forward to the Leader's conference in March, I got my flights for 10 pence return plus tax (£25 in total). I love Ryanair, they can fly me 450 miles in a 737 for just over half of what it would costs me to fill up my car's petrol tank.

Gear wise, new toys to play with. I got some birthday money, so I hit Ebay (before the baby gets their mitts on it for the next 20+ years). I got a couple of Behringer's new pedals, excellent value for money (£15 each), basically copies of the old Boss classics. I got an old Boss delay and a Morley Wah Wah. Also I managed to pick up a Godin SDXT, (built in New Hampshire USA with Canadian Parts form Quebec ), for an absolute steal. I can't believe what other companies charge for their guitars when you can, if you look around, get a good quality North American made guitar for less than an entry level Epiphone.

I realised during this, how much I changed when I had the chance to get an Ibanez Artstar 335 type electric locally. It was a lovely instrument but was £70 over my budget. Before now, I would have just gone for it without thinking, but I felt a real urge to restrain and look for something within the budget. In fact with a little patience and a bit of sense I waited and found the Godin, and actually saved money. So, the upside is, I haven't spent what we haven't got, there's no guilt. I think I've done what the Lord has taught me recently and it's paid off. What a good feeling

The best thing is, the shop that I got the Godin from, sent me a more expensive model by mistake (I'd originally ordered the SD which has single coils). I thought I should be honest and let them know in case they wanted to swap it. They replied saying that they were happy for me to keep it and thanked me for my honesty....result!

Anywhoo I'll post more soon.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Click on the thread title for the link to the new web site for the Linlithgow / Forth Valley gathering event.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Tidal Waves and Whirlpools

It's funny. Last weekend I was in the depths of despair, for no apparent reason, no energy, no hope, grumpy as hell and passionless. This week I've been exactly the opposite. Full of beans, full of faith, productive, tidal waves of joy hitting me....I even grinned for about 3minutes at one point ;) Weird huh?

I keep getting reminders that we are in a spiritual war. After recieving last weeks kicking, this week I feel stronger I've had divine appointments, my prayers have been answered and I feel like I've taken a few more baby steps along the road. Though, I really need to get deeper in the Word,that's been the biggie that I've learned and it's a habit I want to form quickly.

So let's see what today brings.......